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Frequently Asked Questions About COCONUT OIL & SOAP

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What Are the Benefits of Coconut Oil for Dogs?

  • Medium Chain Triglycerides – Some vets believe that the MCTs in coconut oil aid in digestion and can help heal digestive disorders, as well as improve brain energy and mental function in older dogs.
  • Reduces coughing and helps eliminate hairballs.
  • Topical Benefits – It's been known to help skin conditions like hot spots, bites, stings, or itchy, dry skin. 
  • Makes dogs' coats glossy and sleek.
  • Benefits metabolic function, weight loss, arthritis and bone health.

How Do I Use Coconut Oils for My Dog?

  • If you plan to give coconut oil to your dog orally, you must start with small amounts and build up the dosage gradually.
  • To use coconut oil topically, apply it to the skin about once a week, and let it be absorbed for a few minutes. After five minutes or so, rinse your dog off. If he still feels excessively greasy or oily, you can follow up with a light shampoo and rinse. Alternatively, use a shampoo made with organic coconut oil.
  • Again, consult your veterinarian. If your dog has a tendency to gain weight, or he metabolizes fat inefficiently, you're better off using coconut oil topically or in very small doses.
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How Do I Choose a Coconut Oil for My Dog?

Choose unrefined coconut oil, also called virgin coconut oil. Better yet, look for cold-pressed oil, which uses a method to process the oil quickly after the coconuts are harvested to preserve nutrients. If you're feeding it to your dog, be aware that different oils have different smells and tastes. You may have to experiment a bit to find one your dog likes.

There's no doubt that we all want to take care of our dogs as safely, effectively, and naturally as possible. Coconut oil may be the next great thing, but it's wise to take into account the healthy skepticism that surrounds it. 

How to I Use Coconut Soap for my pet?

Using a bar of soap to wash your dog is much simpler and less messy than using liquid soap. The perfect size bar fits in the palm of your hand for easier use. 

Rub the bar on your pet's wet coat to create a rich, creamy lather. Working from head to tail, carefully avoiding eyes, massage the natural shampoo deep into the coat. Rinse thoroughly to prevent dried soapy hair. Rub your pooch down with a clean, dry towel.


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